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Postado em 09 Jul 2015 22 34 Cultura Popular

O pino do sol na moleira. Barreiros secos dormindo, sonhando.

Mormaço de dia. Longa seca. A maniva, a lavoura perdida, queimada. Os pais enterrados. Os burros sem comida e sem força. Tudo seco de tudo.

O feixe de cana é colocado no chão, com cuidado.

João enxuga o suor e as lágrimas e mexe o tacho. Mexe o tacho. Na casa de farinha, fazendo às vezes de engenho, João mexe mais uma e outra vez o grande tacho, como aprendeu há muitos, muitos anos.

Com todo o cuidado e zelo faz uma dança lenta e ritmada com a colher de pau gigante. Toda aquela cana-de-açúcar após a moagem, olhos vidrados na fervura borbulhante do caldo, que desce aos borbotões da mão da colher. Depois tira tudo do tacho, para moldar e secar.

Pequenos tijolos nascendo doces, muito doces, açucarando a vida dura.

João joga canela e cravo. A gosto.

Wescley J. Gama

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19 Dec 2015 17 58
These are the kind of cookies that I don't know how to STOP when eatnig them. hehee I love ginger and this cookie looks both crunchy and chewy.. is it?Thanks for the recipe, these could become a staple for us at Christmas time!xoxo http://rmxdvdyye.com [url=http://kdzmzez.com]kdzmzez[/url] [link=http://bfxejiv.com]bfxejiv[/link]
19 Dec 2015 07 35
My introduction to caaormdm was a wonderful caaormdm bread made by a friend with a Swedish mother-in-law! It was unbelievably fragrant, without being sweet, and I fell in love with it. Yogurt flavored with caaormdm is an easy sauce for stone fruit halves cooked on the grill in summer.
18 Dec 2015 00 21
Ellie, it's very refreshing!Tanna, let me know if you make it, I'd love to hear your oinipon.Brilynn, there's a cardamom cake in Dorie's book that I want to bake soon! I guess the cardamom bug has bit me. lolIlva, tks for the visit!Karin, thank you for stopping by! I'm not familiar with Scandinavian recipes but they sound great - I'll check it out later! Anh, the yogurt + gelatin get a velvety texture. Really good!Lydia, that cardamom bread sounds terrific! I believe this pudding would be great with a huge variety of fruit instead of grapefruit/orange.Sher, you're right - and so easy to make!
17 Dec 2015 10 59
they were great with black coffee!Lydia, you are right, swietee! Karo, that's it. I actually chose this recipe because I didn't have molasses at home.Terry, they're crunchy on the edges and chewy in the center.Please, my dear friend, have some!Tina, every time I see ginger it reminds me of you - even before this event.Anh, you are so talented, swietee!Claudia, thank you for the visit!Brian, I wanted ginger to take center stage, that's why I cut back on nutmeg.Peabody, let me know if you try it with the whole amount, I'd love to hear your opinion.Truffle, and you are making me blush! ;)Thank you!Lis, I had a hard time trying not to eat the whole stack... You're right, crunchy on the edges and chewy in the center. I thank you for your lovely comment, swietee!xx
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