Postado em09 May 2015 10 33 HISTORIAS DE MERICO

As minhas velhas botas
meio tortas
encravadas de taxas
encharcadas de graxa...
As minhas botas de soldado
de longos cadarços
caminhar incerto
rijos passos...
As minhas velhas botas de soldado...
mesmo em tempos de brutalidade histórica
foram toscas sapatilhas
nos pés de uma figura picaresca.
As minhas velhas botas...
Onde andarão as minhas botas?
Talvez tentando impressionar garotas
nos idos “assustados” dos anos 70.
Aldenir Dantas
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14 May 2016 13 32
If it is true that Btselem released the video. Then that means it passed military censors, because otherwise one would be risking severe punishment.Which means it was &##;yofficiall9&339; sanctioned, and it means the military is already well aware of all the details.It was filmed a coule of weeks ago.
13 May 2016 15 28
ich liebe auch das nordische und bin was das angeht eine schlechte bayerin. die berge würde ich sofort eiuncusahen!ntd ja. die große hatte ich zwar dabei blieb aber letztlich doch immer in der ferienwohnung. alle bilder die ihr hier seht sind mit der x10 aufgenommen. [url=]ymnizwealzt[/url] [link=]mcgehur[/link]
12 May 2016 14 44
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11 May 2016 23 19
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